Explore Wins Multiple Muse Award Golds
Midwest production company Explore is proud to share that they were awarded three Muse Gold wins in this year’s 9th annual competition. Their “Mobile Banking App” campaign, created for 1st Source Bank, used real-world situations to show how flexible and easy their new mobile app can make so many of the banking tasks customers need to perform. Conceptualized, produced, directed, edited, and finished all by the talented creatives at Explore, this announcement caps off an incredible awards season for the team.
“Our team puts their heart into every story we tell and it’s affirming to have our work applauded by the industry.”
Contracted directly between the production company and the brand, the campaign was designed to showcase how the 1st Source mobile app enhances the customer experience. Viewers are introduced to a new cast of memorable characters including an overwhelmed mom, a café visitor with a flair for the dramatic, and a twisted-up yogi with big travel plans. And the bank's spokesperson is always there to answer questions,, reassuring that no matter what, 1st Source Bank is here to help.
A cafe visitor with a flair for the dramatic needs to pay with a flourish and is greeted by the 1st Source spokesperson to help show him all the ways to pay.
Overwhelmed was produced for our friends at 1st Source Bank to show how easy their mobile banking app makes everyday transactions simple-even for the overwhelmed moms.
World Traveler
When a twisted up yogi needs flexibility with her finances, the 1st Source Banker Guy shows up to help make her dreams of doing Boat Pose in Bali a reality with help from their new mobile app.
Lost and Found
When a hapless husband misplaces his debit card, he needed to play a quick game of lost and found. 1st source banker to the rescue!
About the three gold wins, Explore founder and executive producer Jeremy Pinckert says, “We’re grateful for the recognition we’ve received for our work on 1st Source this year. Our team puts their heart into every story we tell and it’s affirming to have our work applauded by the industry. We couldn’t do this without our partners at 1st Source. We’ve always appreciated the collaborative relationship we share with their team and are grateful for the fun they allow us to have with their brand.”
The Explore and 1stSource Bank teams have enjoyed major award season wins for all three years of their “We Can Help” campaign.
The MUSE Awards celebrate and honor excellence and innovation in creative design, advertising, and digital media. Spanning a diverse range of categories, the MUSE Creative Awards recognizes the best achievements from advertisingto digital media, as well as in marketing strategies and PR communications.Entrants from all corners of the world participate, showcasing creativeadvertising, design, and campaigns that inspire and set new benchmarks in theindustry.
EXPLORE is an award-winning commercial production company focused on one core idea: every project deserves our very best. We collaborate directly with agencies andbrands to produce commercials and content which makes viewers feel: motivated toreact, stimulated to buy, interested to click, impressed to tell others, and inspired to respond.